To reach young people with the truth about abortion (by showing it) long before they face the temptation to abort their own children. We intend to expose the evil of abortion in the glorious light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the face of America and our public schools.
We desire to combat the misinformation perpetuated by the public school system, Planned Parenthood, student peers and their parents.
We seek to mobilize young Abolitionists to rise above the apathy, indifference and violence toward the preborn which is prevalent among this generation. We seek to do this by making it clear that standing up against this great evil isn't something to be ashamed of or afraid of being ridiculed for, but that it is actually an act of obedience, love and faithfulness to God the Creator of all life.
The following video is some footage from a Project Frontlines campaign in front of Jefferson High School.
Click here to be directed to the main ProjectFrontlines website
where you can see more footage of abolitionists all across the country exposing the evil of abortion and sharing the Gospel with students who have never heard the Gospel message before.