Getting Started

Dear Friend,
Please read and watch through the bulleted list & blog posts of articles, videos, documents, references, resources, etc. listed on this site to get familiar with abolition and become equipped to go out in the field to abolish human abortion and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please contact me anytime if you have any questions. God bless you for your faithfulness to Him!
Diana - Abolitionist Society of Tampa, Florida
email: or on Twitter: @TampaAHA or fill out the contact form on the right.

Sharing the Gospel

Just below is a link to an audio recording from entitled, "How to Share Your Christian Faith with Others."  The first 11 minutes discusses the use of graphic images of murdered preborn babies, as well as, discusses abolishing sin in our lives.

At the 11:05 marker is where the hosts, Scott and Jeremiah begin their talk on how to share your Christian faith.

"How to Share Your Christian Faith" 


Here's a video of us sharing the Gospel with a young man who rode by us on his bicycle: